Monday, January 24, 2011

Two recent presentations available on the web

Colleagues and friends,

After a prolonged absence from the blog due to holidays and the press of other business, I'll be now keeping up with the blog again. I now have a site for posting my presentations, and I recently uploaded two of my most recent slide sets. I'll be posting additional ones as they are developed. The URL is

Much has happened in the past 3 months. I have incorporated a new company, ALLTYR, Inc. ALLTYR is dedicated to transforming treatment for addictions through multiple activities. My goal is to open a clinic, the ASSET Clinic, in the Twin Cities in the fall of 2011. The ASSET Clinic will be a model for providing scientifically informed specialty treatment for addictions and will serve as a prototype, laboratory and clinical teaching site. The Clinic will provide the full array of services for all degrees of substance involvement and for as long as needed. It is not a "program," but will function like any other professional specialty clinic. A key focus will be on customer service. ALLTYR will also provide consultation to existing healthcare systems to help them integrate attention to substance use throughout their organization, especially in primary care, mental health care, the ed, and inpatient services. ALLTYR will provide materials, training, technical support, and will also offer the opportunity to either operate or develop an ASSET Specialty Clinic within existing health care organizations (HCOs). Much more on this later as it develops.


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