Wednesday, February 5, 2014

SAMHSA Releases State and National Behavioral Health Barometer

The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently released its yearly report on the general state of behavioral health needs and services in the US. Based on population and treatment-facility data sets from state to state, the Behavioral Health Barometer is a sweeping, in-depth look into adolescent and adult drug use, treatment and mental health service utilization.

Among the highlights:
- Nationally, youth and young adult use of nonmedical pain relievers is declining in general.
- Past-month cigarette use among teens nationally and locally is declining, although Minnesota saw a small increase in 2011-2012
-Over 50% of Minnesota adolescents, and over 60% of adolescents nationally, did not receive treatment for their past-year depressive episode.
-In Minnesota, only 6.6% of people with past-year alcohol dependence received treatment. For illicit drugs, the number is 14.6%
-In Minnesota, while the number of people receiving methadone treatment has increased by nearly 1000 people since 2008, the number of people receiving buprenorphine has actually decreased in that time (owing to a sharp drop from 2008-2009.

The national report is here:

Read the MN report here:

And find your state here:

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